MostBirnHaus Ardagger, ©

Exploring herbs on a hiking tour at Hoechbauer, Family Weber



As the name Höchbauer suggests, our farm is the highest farm on the Joachimsberg. The panoramic view from Josefsberg via Gemeindealpe, Ötscher, Hoch-Stadlberg to Säbel is unique.
We took over the farm from our parents and would like to pass it on to our offspring with a clear conscience. "Biological management by conviction! Originally, of course, really! "
You can also taste it, e.g. at the breakfast table with home-made farmhouse bread, various jams, our organic herbal teas, herbal salt and much more.
Enjoy freely and impartially with your family our idyllic farm.

Helyszín & utazás

  • Kapcsolat

    Kräuterwanderung Höchbauer


    Langseitenrotte 28
    3223 Wienerbruck

    Telefon: +43 676 5313451


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