Bio-Wagyuhof Reingrub


As one of only a few farms, Josef Buder's parental farm was already converted to organic farming in 1992.
In addition to dairy farming and the breeding of high-quality veal, Josef Buder has been breeding 100% purebred Fullblood Wagyus (= Kobe cattle, the original Japanese noble cattle) in a purely BIO-logical way with a lot of passion and love since 2012.
The careful husbandry of the Wagyu cattle results in the particularly tender meat, which is characterized by the special marbling as a typical quality feature.

Products you can get directly at the farm:

    Organic milk-fed veal and organic Wagyu beef (subject to availability/ fresh or flash-frozen).
    Organic wagyu cheesekrainer
    Terrines (in can) and rillettes (in jar) of organic milk-fed veal and organic Wagyu beef

Location and how to get there