Gasthof und Appartementhaus Meyer

Apartment, Inn

This business is excellent…

  • Star rating system: 2 stars
  • Hiker quality seal

Your stay

Already in the 17th century the house Pilgrims offered accommodation. The beautiful, old structure is visible in many places: with solid walls, vaults and the idyllic courtyard. There are four guest rooms, plus the guest garden in the courtyard ... The attractive rooms were renovated a few years ago. Some rooms have a balcony.

Specialties from the regional restaurant kitchen are the "Anna soup" of herbs with honey and the "Annaberger soup pot", a large bowl of beef soup with vegetables, pasta and boiled beef.
As a Via Sacra expert Richard Meyer is at your disposal.


This is what other guests say about this host: Gasthof und Appartementhaus Meyer

Excellent winter sport hotel.

Good to know

  • Rooms in need of an update

  • Friendly atmosphere

    • „Cozy atmosphere“
  • Clean hotel facilities

  • Clean rooms

  • Fantastic service

    • „Friendly staff“
    • „Nearby activities“
    • „Lovely service“
  • Friendly service

    • „Friendly staff“
  • Great room

    • „Beautiful view“
    • „Great view from the balcony“
    • „Comfortable room“
  • Clean rooms

Highlights from the 291 ratings

  • Service

    5.0 / 5
    48 ratings
    • „Friendly staff“
    • „Nearby activities“
    • „Lovely service“
  • Breakfast

    5.0 / 5
    39 ratings
    • „Delicious breakfast“
    • „Breakfast perfect“
    • „Good breakfast“
  • Location

    4.9 / 5
    30 ratings
    • „Lots of hiking routes“
    • „Incredible location“
    • „Optimal location“
  • Cleanliness

    4.2 / 5
    24 ratings
  • Room

    3.9 / 5
    65 ratings
    • „Beautiful view“
    • „Great view from the balcony“
    • „Comfortable room“
  • Vibe

    3.0 / 5
    25 ratings
    • „Cozy atmosphere“
  • Service

    5.0 / 5
    11 ratings
    • „Friendly staff“
    • „Nearby activities“
    • „Lovely service“
  • Value

    4.9 / 5
    6 ratings
    • „Sauna for free“
    • „Great value for money“
  • Location

    4.9 / 5
    8 ratings
    • „Lots of hiking routes“
    • „Incredible location“
    • „Optimal location“
  • Cleanliness

    4.2 / 5
    7 ratings
  • Room

    3.8 / 5
    17 ratings
    • „Beautiful view“
    • „Great view from the balcony“
    • „Comfortable room“

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Smoke-free host, Restaurant in the establishment, Sauna, Terrace/guest garden, TV in the room, Changing mat, Wifi, Room with balcony, Lounge area, Baby bed, Baby highchair, Café/bistro, Barbecue area, Internet usage options, Kid's play corner
  • Service
    Buses welcome, Bicycle storage room, Breakfast, Breakfast buffet, Luggage transport, Half board, Pets allowed, Coffee and cake, Pick-up frm the nearest train station, Ski bus from lodgings, Ski cellar/storage room
  • Sports/recreation
    Hiking trails, Billiard, Sauna, Table tennis
  • Host meeting
    Projector, Flip chart, Screen
  • We speak ...
    German, English, Hungarian
  • Capacities
    Beds: 40, Rooms: 18, Single rooms: 2, Double rooms: 10, Three bed rooms: 4, Shared rooms: 2, Apartments: 5, Rooms with balcony: 12, Restaurants: 1, Maximum groupsize: 50, Conventionrooms: 1, Conventionrooms from(size in m²): 80
  • Location
    at the cross-country ski run, rural location
  • Distance
    to the next ski lift: 0.8 km, to the next cross-country ski run: 0.1 km

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Gasthof und Appartementhaus Meyer

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